Israel-Gaza War

AP: UN starts moving tons of aid from US Gaza pier

This action may affect the US' decision on whether or not to keep the pier in operation due to constant maintenance problems.

Aid delivered in Deir el-Balah. Illustration. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The UN said that humanitarian workers have begun removing aid containers waiting near the US aid pier off the Gaza coast, according to AP.

The US military says that some 10 million tons had been offloaded last week alone, and while COGAT repeatedly noted the presence of enormous amounts of aid waiting to be taken to help needy Gazans, humanitarian workers insisted safety and the fear of looting prevented this.

The World Food Programme spokesperson said that this effort was a one-time effort to prevent the "spoilage," though they did not say why safety was suddenly considered better now compared to before.

Humanitarian aid COGAT IDF Hamas Operation Swords of Iron


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