Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

Watch: IDF eliminates Hezbollah drone operative 

The IDF also struck multiple terror targets across southern Lebanon, while two drones fell in Israeli territory without causing casualties.

Hunting and eliminating a Hezbollah drone operative. (Screenshot from IDF footage.)

The IDF eliminated a Hezbollah drone operative today (Thursday) in an air strike in southern Lebanon's Sohmor area. The operative was responsible for a number of drone launches against Israel.


Hunting and eliminating a Hezbollah drone operative. (Source: IDF Spokesperson)

The Air Force also struck two Hezbollah military structures in the Houla and Aitaroun areas.

IDF artillery also fired towards areas in southern Lebanon.

Meanwhile, two explosive drones were confirmed to have hit the Rosh Hanikra area earlier today. No casualties were reported.

Operation Swords of Iron Hezbollah IDF Drones


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