IDF Gaza, Humanitarian Aid

The IDF's last mission in Rafah: It's not what you think

As the IDF prepare to finish their military operations in the area of Khan Yunis in Gaza, their remains the need to deal with certain issues before leaving. 

IDF troops in Gaza (Photo: Flash90/flash90)

One of Israel's last tasks before preparation for concluding operations in Rafah is to combat Hamas terrorists and other criminal groups from preventing aid and essential services entering Gaza and reaching civilians.

As the IDF gears up for the third phase of the conflict, efforts focus on enhancing infrastructure in Gaza. Plans include connecting electricity to the Khan Yunis desalination plant to provide 20,000 cubic meters of water daily, facilitating the return of Gazans to Rafah.

Amid ongoing IDF operations, Gaza faces two critical challenges. Reports indicate sanitation issues, particularly in Khan Yunis' Al-Mawasi area, where sewage and garbage systems are overwhelmed. Additionally, public order deteriorates as criminal gangs block major roads, hindering aid distribution.

In regards to the sanitation concerns, Israeli security forces have collaborated with international partners on a dedicated plan to manage waste accumulation and improve sanitation in Khan Yunis. This initiative includes broader waste removal, hygiene product distribution, and increased fuel supply for generators and sewage treatment.

Regarding criminal groups impeding aid trucks in Khan Yunis, sources in Gaza identify Bedouin clans from Rafah as major obstacles. Despite UN efforts, agreements with these groups remain elusive. Recent clashes within Gaza underscore tensions, including incidents where clans clashed with Hamas, leading to riots and property damage.

Proposed measures to combat humanitarian aid looting include alternative traffic routes, relocating UN warehouses, implementing humanitarian pauses, and using smaller aid convoys to minimize theft incidents.

With attention turning towards completing operations in Rafah and preparing for Phase III of the conflict in Gaza, Israeli authorities anticipate many Gazans returning home. Concurrently, efforts to bolster Gaza's infrastructure, including connecting a power line for the Khan Yunis desalination plant, aim to mitigate water shortages anticipated during the summer months. This plant is set to provide essential water supply to Gazans residing in humanitarian zones.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Israel-Gaza war Gaza Khan Yunis Rafah


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Excellent and informative articles by E Fleming
Patricia Barron 28.06.24