Israel-Gaza War, UAE, Egypt, USA

America's vision for postwar Gaza: Egypt and the UAE to be part of security force

The Biden administration prepares to unveil its comprehensive vision for Gaza's postwar management.

Palestinians in the Zawaida camp, Central Gaza Strip, June 24, 2024. (Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has revealed that Egypt and the United Arab Emirates are prepared to participate in a postwar Gaza security force, signaling a potential shift in the Strip's future governance.

As reported by the Times of Israel, this development, disclosed during Blinken's recent Middle East tour, marks a significant step in U.S. efforts to recruit Arab allies for Gaza's stabilization. The proposed security force would work alongside local Palestinian officers, aiming to fill the power vacuum that many fear could emerge once the current hostilities cease.

However, the path forward is fraught with challenges. Both Egypt and the UAE have attached conditions to their involvement, including a demand for progress towards a Palestinian state - a prospect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly opposed. Egypt's reported insistence on a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza also clashes with Netanyahu's pledge to maintain overall security control of the Strip.

The U.S. plan, still in its formative stages, envisions a transitional government in Gaza working closely with regional partners. Blinken has emphasized that while the U.S. would help establish and train the security force, it would not contribute troops directly. The U.S. is reportedly hoping that Saudi Arabia will spearhead reconstruction efforts, further integrating regional powers into the stabilization process.

As Washington pushes forward with its planning, tensions within Israel's government have surfaced. Netanyahu's reluctance to engage in high-level "day after" discussions has drawn criticism from coalition partners and opposition figures alike, with complex domestic politics at play.

The proposed security force represents a critical juncture in the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its success could pave the way for a reunified Palestinian governance structure - seen as a crucial step towards a two-state solution. However, with conflicting interests and demands from various stakeholders, the road to implementation remains uncertain.

Israel-Gaza war Gaza UAE Egypt Antony Blinken Anthony Blinken


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