breaking news, US Gaza peace proposal

Just in: Hamas officially rejects ceasefire deal

The UN endorsed Israel-Gaza peace proposal set forward by US president Joe Biden has been rejected by terror organisation, Hamas. 

Pro-Palestine protestors calling for a ceasefire (photo: Loredana Sangiuliano/shutterstock)

US State Department spokesman has reported that Hamas has officially rejected the ceasefire deal proposed by US president Biden. Multiple countries as well as the United Nations Security Council supported the deal with Israel agreeing to its terms, but Hamas has other plans.

Just now: the US State department has received written confirmation of Hamas' response to the plan to essentially reject the proposal.

President Biden's' peace plan between Israel and Gaza included; Israeli troops withdrawing from Gaza, the gradual release of Israeli hostages being held in Gaza, and a ceasefire between the two sides.

The ceasefire program was planned out in detail with the goal for both sides to receive their demands and to allow for Gaza to rebuild itself after the war.

However it has become clear through Hamas rejection that peace is not a priority for the terror group and that they are not prepared to return the Israeli hostages held captive in Gaza without a fight.

Ceasefire Joe Biden Hamas Israel-Gaza war Israel Hostage Deal


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