Israel-Gaza War, October 7

BREAKING: Victims of October 7 sue UNRWA in US Federal court for Hamas ties

Over a hundred victims of the October 7 massacre have filed suit against UNRWA for alleged ties and direct and indirect support for Hamas.

Nova festival massacre memorial. (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Over 100 victims of the Hamas massacre on October 7 filed suit in US Federal court today (Monday) against UNRWA for allegedly "aiding and abetting" Hamas, according to the Jewish Chronicle.

According to the lawsuit, which seeks $1 billion in damages, UNRWA "helped Hamas build up the terror infrastructure and personal that were necessary to carry out the October 7 attack," knew some of its personnel were members of Hamas, and helped radicalize the Palestinian population with its textbooks.

In addition to these well-known claims, the lawsuit also claims that by demanding to be paid in cash dollars for salaries and supplies, UNRWA was helping Hamas by providing it with the kind of necessary hard currency to fund terror operations, as any exchange of the money for local currency would have to be done by Hamas approved money changers.

According to the Chronicle, 101 victims are part of the suit and some 800 are expected to join. These include "hostage Ditza Heiman who was held by an UNRWA teacher for seven weeks. The lawsuit claims the homeowner said he was a teacher at an UNRWA school for boys and often she was fed with food labelled to show it was for UNRWA schools."

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF UNRWA Nova


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