Dagestan, Terrorism

Synagogue shot at and set on fire in Dagestan

An Orthodox Christian Church was also fired upon. Casualties have been reported, and the incident is ongoing.

From the scene of one of the attacks. (Screenshot from on-scene social media clip.)

Two shooting incidents occurred in Dagestan today (Sunday), one against a synagogue and the other against an Orthodox Christian Church.

According to reports from the field, two armed men fired at two police officers guarding the entrance to a synagogue in the capital of the Dagestan Republic. The officers were killed in the shootout and the armed men then burned the police car on site and set the synagogue on fire.

There were no congregants in the synagogue at the time.

A few minutes later, another shooting incident was reported against a church in Dagestan, wounding at least six people including the priest. A manhunt has been launched against the shooters.

Dagestan is part of the Russian Federation and is largely comprised of non-Russian Muslims. At the beginning of the war, a number of Dagestanis mobbed the international airport following rumors of an Israeli plane landing in the area.

Dagestan Terrorism Russia Operation Swords of Iron


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