Hamas, MK Nissim Vaturi

Likud MK: "The protesters are a branch of Hamas"

MK Nissim Vaturi made this shocking statement on Kol Barama radio.

Likud MK Nissim Vaturi (Photo: Yonathan Zindel)

In an interview with Kol Barama radio this morning (Tuesday), Likud MK Nissim Vaturi stated that "the demonstrators in front of the Prime Minister's house last night were 'a branch of Hamas.'"

He went on to explain that "Hamas has several branches - the terrorist fighting branch who murder children, and then there is the branch of the demonstrations".

Yesh Atid MK Karine Elharrar attacked him for this stating: "The incitement of elected officials against concerned patriotic citizens is irresponsible and dangerous. Irrespective of the moral depths that needs to be reached in order to compare protesters to terrorists, such shocking statements make them vulnerable to dangerous violence. Vaturi, you truly are a gift to the Hamas."

Hamas Israel-Gaza war Hostages Hostage Deal


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