Israel-Gaza War, IDF cyber unit

Disclosed: IDF's elite 8200 cyber unit infiltrated by undercover IDF unit

An audit team from the IDF's General Staff impersonated officers entered the cyber unit's base of Unit 8200 and photographed confidential documents.

IDF cyber unit (Photo: IDF spokesman )

According to Ynet, this morning (Thursday), a serious security breach was exposed at one of the IDF's most sensitive bases - that of the 8200 cyber unit.

An inspection team from the General Staff, about a month ago, impersonated officers in the ranks of lieutenant colonel and colonel, and managed to infiltrate the cyber unit's 8200 Glilot base In Ramat Hasharon.

For nearly three hours they roamed around the base unhindered, reached operational compounds, collected hundreds of classified documents and data materials from secret computers, and could have, if they had so desired, caused physical damage to the base's infrastructure and its soldiers.

Early that morning, the audit officials stopped the inspection on their own initiative and contacted the relevant commanders to inform them of the damage they could have easily committed.

Israel-Gaza war IDF Unit 8200


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