Israel-Gaza War, France

Netanyahu to Macron: Deal outline allows Israel to continue destroying Hamas

During a conversation between the two, Netanyahu insisted that the outline for the hostage deal allows Israel to continue to pursue its other goal of destroying Hamas' military and governing capabilities.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. (Screenshot from Prime Minister's Office footage.)

Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke today (Tuesday) with French President Emanuel Macron, updating him on the proposed outline for the hostage deal and insisting that it allowed Israel to meet its defined objectives, including Hamas' elimination.

Meanwhile, Hamas senior leader Osama Hamdan reiterated the terrorist organization's stance in an official press conference, stating that "we informed the mediators that we cannot agree to a deal which does not assure a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, alongside a serious prisoners' deal."

Binyamin Netanyahu Emmanuel Macron Operation Swords of Iron Hamas Hostage Deal


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