Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Gantz reconsidering ultimatum to leave government due to hostage deal progress

Despite committing to leaving the government by June 8 if Netanyahu doesn't meet a whole host of demands, the State Camp party appears to be reconsidering.

Benny Gantz. (Photo: Michael Giladi/Flash90)

Due to recent developments, Benny Gantz's State Camp party is reconsidering its public ultimatum to leave the government by mid-June, according to journalist Michael Shemesh of Kann News.

Gantz had threatened to leave by June 8 if a hostage deal was not advanced and if Netanyahu did not meet a long list of other demands.

Following recent developments, the State Camp party clarified that if it would help advance the deal, Gantz would stay in the government.

Either way, the party hopes the matter will be decided by the end of the week so they don't have to renege on their public promise.

Benny Gantz Hostage Deal Elections


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