Israel, Iran

Report: Israel evacuating embassies around the world

There are reports of a number of Israeli diplomatic delegations being shuttered in preparation for possible Iranian retaliation for the strike in Syria. The Foreign Ministry refused comment.

Israeli Embassy in Japan. (Photo: Israeli Embassy in Japan)

With rising fears of an Iranian response to the elimination of a senior IRGC officer, a number of Israeli diplomatic delegations have been temporarily closed, according to Ynet reporter Itamar Eichner. According to the report, the delegates were instructed not to go to their offices.

Srugim, JFeed's sister site, asked the ministry about this. They responded that they do not address questions on the security of delegates and delegations.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the high level of readiness at the opening of the war cabinet meeting this evening: "For years, Iran has been acting against us both directly and via its proxies; therefore, Israel is acting against Iran and its proxies, defensively and offensively. We will know how to defend ourselves and we will act according to the simple principle of whoever harms us or plans to harm us, we will harm them."

Regarding the increased readiness, Hagari said that "we have been in a multi-front war for the past half a year. We look at the threats and defeat them all the time. We are treating every enemy and threat seriously," he noted.

According to the IDF Spokesperson: "We have planes ready for defense. IDF forces are well deployed and ready for a number of scenarios. We mustn't be complacent so let me stress in the same breath: there is no change in the instructions of Rear Command. If there are, we will update the public in every possible way."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iran IDF Syria


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