Israel-Gaza War, Hostages, UNRWA

Watch: Hostages' families besiege UNRWA Jerusalem offices

Dozens of protestors, including relatives of hostages, arrived to bar the entrance to UNRWA's Jerusalem offices.

Protest outside UNRWA offices. (Photo: Tzav Tesha)

Today (Wednesday), relatives of the hostages arrived with the Tzav Tesha protest movement at the entrance to UNRWA's offices in Jerusalem near Ammunition Hill and barred the entrance. The activists are preventing the workers from entering and even replaced the sign in front with one saying "UNRWA, teaching terrorism since 1967."

Shlomo Sarid, a reservist who has left Gaza and participated in the protest, told activists: "I was in Gaza, I saw how UNRWA incites to terror. Just last week, the IDF Spokesperson publicized weapons found in UNRWA sacks. This organization is the root of Hamas and we are at war with them."

The Tzav Tesha movement, which previously focused on blocking humanitarian aid from entering the Gaza Strip until the hostages are released, stated that: "Did you know that in UNRWA schools here in Israel they learn that all of Israel is occupied Palestine and are raising the next generation of terrorists? Did you know every teacher in UNRWA has diplomatic immunity? That they are terrorists treated like ambassadors? We need to stop this danger! It's here, in Jerusalem!"

Tzav Tesha UNRWA Hamas Hostages


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