Terror in Israel

8 injured in shooting attack, terrorists eliminated

Two terrorists opened fire near the Maale Adumim interchange on Highway 1. According to an initial report, 8 were injured on the spot, some of them in serious condition.

Shooting attack on Route 1 (Photo: Magen David Adom)

Following a shooting attack near the Ma'ale Adumim-Jerusalem interchange this morning (Thursday), Magen David Adom medics provided medical treatment to eight injured people, including three in serious condition, two in moderate condition and three others in mild condition.

The incident took place when three Palestinian terrorists from Bethlehem took advantage of a traffic jam in the area and opened fire at the vehicles.

Eight people were wounded by the gunfire and one has perished of his wounds. Five received gunshot wounds including: a 23-year-old woman, a 30-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man in serious condition and two men in their 40s in moderate to light condition.

The Israel Police stated that: "a short time ago, a report was received of a shooting attack on Highway 1 from Ma'ale Adumim towards Jerusalem. There are a number of victims with varying degrees of injuries; the two terrorists have been neutralized." Another terrorist was caught after trying to escape from the scene of the crime.

The weapon used in the attack (Photo: Israeli Police)
shooting attack Ma'ale Adumim


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