Judea and Samaria, Terrorism

Palestinians throw bomb at Israeli vehicle, one person lightly wounded

Palestinians from the village of Burqa near Shchem threw an explosive device at a car en route to the settlement of Shavei Shomron. One person was lightly wounded.

(Photo: Chomesh Settlement Council)

Palestinians from the village of Burqa in the Shchem area threw an explosive device this evening (Monday) at a car going from Chomesh to Shavei Shomron. One person was lightly injured.

Aviah Antman, one of the passengers in the car said "we just came down from Chomesh and they threw a bomb on us, all our windows are shattered and we made it out by a miracle. If it had been thrown through one of the windows, we would have been finished."

This is the second terrorist attack Antman has survived, the previous one taking place in 2021, when he was in the same vehicle in which Yehuda Dimantman was killed.

Chomesh Judea and Samaria Terrorism Palestinians


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