Israel-Gaza War, UNRWA

Netanyahu to UN Ambassadors: Time to End UNRWA

Meeting a delegation of UN Ambassadors, the Prime Minister said that "There are other agencies in the UN. There are other agencies in the world. They have to replace UNRWA."

(Photo: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO))

Prime Minister Netanyahu met today (Wednesday) with a delegation of Ambassadors to the UN led by Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan, including ambassadors from Malta, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia and Sierra Leone.

In addressing them, Netanyahu said that "the UN has not been a stellar organization when it comes to dealing with Israel. It's often unbelievably tilted. It has the UN Human Rights Commission, so-called Human Rights Commission, that devotes an enormous part of its resolutions against Israel, and nothing against Iran or Yemen or other arenas of savagery and aggression."

Pushing the issue further and in light of the Israeli allegations of some UNRWA employees' complicity in the October 7 massacre, Netanyahu said that "I think it's time that the international community and the UN itself understand that UNRWA's mission has to end. UNRWA is self-perpetuating. It is self-perpetuating also in its desire to keep alive the Palestinian refugee issue. And we need to get other UN agencies and other aid agencies replacing UNRWA if we're going to solve the problem of Gaza as we intend to do. There are other agencies in the UN. There are other agencies in the world. They have to replace UNRWA."

Binyamin Netanyahu UNRWA Operation Swords of Iron UN


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