Qatar's New Proposal

"Release of All Abductees": Cabinet will Discuss New Proposal

The mediators in Qatar formulated another proposal which they intend to present today in the political-security cabinet, the proposal includes the deportation of the heads of Hamas, the release of all the abductees and the withdrawal of the IDF from the Gaza Strip.

(Photo: Flash90)

According to sources close to the officials in Doha, Qatar formulated a proposal that will be presented this evening (Wednesday) to the political-security cabinet. According to the proposal, the details of which were revealed by News 13, the leaders of Hamas will be exiled, all the abductees will be released - albeit in stages - and the IDF will withdraw from the Gaza Strip.

The headquarters of the families of the abductees said: "The reports about a new deal that will be presented to the cabinet this evening give some hope to the families who are anxious about the fate of their loved ones - who have been dying in the Hamas tunnels for almost 100 days and nights without food, water, and life-saving medical treatment.

"With every day that passes, the condition of the abductees gets worse. We say again: the War Cabinet must not concern itself with anything other than the return of the abductees, we demand that they approve any deal that will lead to their immediate release alive!"

The families of the abductees Hamas leader deal Qatar


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