Israel-Gaza War, IDF

IDF Plans for Multi-Year Buildup In Light of October 7 and Gaza War

The IDF is pushing for a much larger, denser, stronger, and better equipped army on all fronts, with multiple layers of defense and offense.

A future army reliant much more on manpower than technological tripwires. Emergency response team practicing in the north. (Photo: Michael Giladi/Flash90)

The IDF and Defense Ministry is working on greatly buffering its manpower and equipment for multi-layered defense and offense in dealing with threats on fronts from the south, center, north, and elsewhere, according to Walla News military correspondent Amir Bohbot.

The main focus of the IDF multi-year plan is more: more manpower, more vehicles, more interceptors - both rocket and laser-based. The aim is to not only increase the number of those serving in the IDF at all levels - draftees, regulars, and reserves - but also reverse the decision to shorten military service and revert back to a model based on three full years.

The IDF and members of the defense establishment are reportedly divided on the question of American aid - not just whether to use it mostly for defense or offense, but also whether to continue joint R&D in developing the laser interceptor system or continue developing it solely as an Israeli project despite the added cost.

IDF Operation Swords of Iron Hamas Draft Rockets


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Israel has to do what Israel has to do!
Natan 21.12.23

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