Knesset, US Jewry, Antisemitism

Knesset Subcomittee Discusses Antisemitism on American Campuses

The Knesset heard a series of alarming reports on an increase in antisemitism on American campuses and against Jewish students.

Hillel Israel director discusses the ramifications of a poll showing just a third of Jews feeling comfortable sharing their views on campus. (Screenshot, Knesset Channel clip.)

The Knesset Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs and Public Diplomacy discussed the problem of antisemitism in the United States, especially on campuses today (Tuesday).

The discussion included a poll conducted by the Hillel organization showing a little over a third of Jews on campus hide their Judaism and only a third feel comfortable expressing their opinions on campus.

A report submitted to the committee by the Mosaic organization found a 700% increase in antisemitic incidents against Jewish students, with the assumption that 80% of such acts go entirely unreported, meaning the actual number is much higher.

Subcomittee Chairman MK Zeev Elkin called on the government and civil society bodies to form a "significant plan with serious budgets" to change the atmosphere on American campuses and said that his committee would discuss this further down the line.

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