
The Tragedy in Jerusalem: "The Soldier Simply Committed Murder"

The father of the late Yuval Castelman, who was shot to death at the scene of the attack in Jerusalem after being mistakenly identified as a terrorist, says that the soldier should receive a severe punishment: "He simply committed murder, I have no other word."

(Photo: Kan News)

Moshe Castelman, the father of Yuval Castelman - the citizen who neutralized the terrorists in the shooting attack in Jerusalem and was shot to death by one of the soldiers at the scene who identified him as a terrorist - refuses to accept the soldier's behavior and says that he "murdered" his son.

In an interview with Kan News, Castleman said: "He opened his shirt, showed that he had nothing, raised his hands, threw away the weapon - he did everything according to all the rules, and yet a man came and shot him. He simply committed a murder, I have no other word for it."

Castelman said: "I carry a personal weapon, I know there are basic rules. I won't risk human life if I'm not sure who I'm shooting. I'm full of anger. His death was for nothing - I can't accept it."

Click here
Documentation of the shooting attack in Jerusalem

Earlier, new details from the investigation were published on Kan Reshet Bet. The soldier who shot testified at the scene of the attack: "I recognized the citizen as a third terrorist, so I shot at him." However, he is not asked about the fact that the citizen raised his hands. In addition, investigative military police is expected to call him in for investigation.

The investigation shows that the soldier shot several bullets at Yuval, all of them went in and out, so Castleman's body was not operated on. The suspected soldier is the only one who shot a civilian at the scene of the attack. The other soldier shot only at the terrorists. So there was no need for an autopsy.

Yuval Castelman Jerusalem attack shooting attack


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