Attack in Syria

Attack in Syria: Echoes of Explosions were Heard in Damascus

The media in Syria report hearing the echoes of loud explosions in the capital Damascus. Apparently this is an Israeli attack on the airport which has already been attacked several times since the outbreak of the war.

(Photo: Ofer Zidon / Flash90)

The media in Syria report hearing the echoes of loud explosions in the capital Damascus. Apparently this is an Israeli attack, as we have become accustomed to in recent years.

According to the Arab reports, the airport in Damascus was attacked by several missiles. The Syrian air defense was active, but it is not clear if it was able to intercept the missiles.

Since the beginning of the war, the airports in Damascus and Aleppo have been attacked several times and shut down for an extended period.

Damascus Operation Swords of Iron Israel-Gaza war Attack in Syria


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