TV, Israeli Cinema

Israeli TV company Yes to make documentary of October 7 attack

Yes Studio has invested $26 million to create tv show about the Hamas massacre, as a means to push for Israel advocacy.

Yes Studio's (Photo: Sraya Diamant/Flash90)

Yes TV has recently announced the development of a new drama series centred around the events of October 7. This anthology series will consist of four episodes, each highlighting a different story from the Hamas attack that took place on that day.

The CEO of Yes TV, Ilan Siegel, emphasized the significance of this project, stating that it is particularly important at this time. At an event announcing its release, the October 7 series was described in detail, highlighting its focus on the stories of survivors from the October 7 attack. Each episode will delve into a different narrative, shedding light on the experiences of individuals affected by the events.

In order to prepare for the role, the actors have been meeting with survivors and interviewing those involved in order to portray the real events as accurately as possible.

One of the stories being covered revolves around a group of Hatzalah volunteers who rushed to the South and saved lives with their ambulance. Another will be about a father who sacrificed his life to protect his children that day, as well as showing survivors of the Nova festival and their individual stories.

Among the producers of the series are Chaya Amor, an American, and her producing partner Daniel Finkelman, who felt compelled to focus their energy on this project after hearing about the massacre. Despite the discomfort that some people in Hollywood have in discussing such subjects, they decided to dedicate themselves to it.

Chaya Amor emphasized the importance of taking action instead of waiting for someone else to do so. This realization led them to collaborate with Yes and create this project. The series will also be produced by Lee Ben Shlush and Aviv Ben Shlush. Its English title is yet to be announced, but it is set to premiere on Yes in a few months.

Israel Israel-Gaza war October 7th Israeli Cinema


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