Protests in Israel

Five arrested at anti-government protests

Dozens of protesters blocked the entrance to the Knesset demanding new elections. Two rioters tied themselves to the vehicle blocking the emergency exit.

A number of protesters attempted to tie themselves to the entrance gates and block the path of MKs into the Knesset today (Wednesday).

Two of the rioters managed to tie themselves to a car, with which they blocked the emergency exit. Police officers at the scene assisted members of the Knesset guard to remove the protesters.

When they failed to abide by instructions to move away from the building, police were called in to disperse them.

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Five of the rioters were detained, as police continued to maintain public order in the area, re-opening all the blocked roads.

Police said they would continue to allow the freedom of protest and expression for anyone within the limits of the law, even in the area of the Knesset within the permitted demonstration area, but will not acquiesce to criminal behavior and violation of public order.

Protests Anti-government protest Israel-Gaza war Knesset


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