In a shocking turn of events, American comedian Reginald D Hunter has come under fire for a controversial social media post directed at Israel advocate and antisemitism campaigner Heidi Bachram. The message, which Bachram interpreted as a personal threat, has been reported to the police.
Hunter, who made headlines last month for an incident involving a British-Israeli couple at his Edinburgh Fringe show, wrote to Bachram on Tuesday: "I will see you and your kind ended, even if it costs me EVERYTHING." The comedian added, "You are not even a JEW. Run tell that," followed by a kiss emoji.
Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle, Bachram expressed her fear, stating, "It was late at night and I was the only person tagged and named. The word 'ended' felt deeply sinister. I was scared."
Sussex Police initially determined that the tweet did not meet the threshold for malicious communication. However, they later stated they would be making further contact with Bachram to ensure all relevant information has been considered.
This incident is part of a pattern of controversial behavior from Hunter. Since the Edinburgh Fringe incident, where he made antisemitic jokes about Jews, he has continued to has post numerous inflammatory comments about Jews and Zionists on social media. He has also retweeted posts from accounts known for antisemitic content.
Anat Vidor, in a JPost article dated September 1, says it best, "Hunter isn’t so funny. He lacks sophistication, subtlety, and certainly compassion. What he does have is a keen sense for what can rile up an ignorant and manipulated Scottish crowd. Comparing the State of Israel to a masochistic, self-victimizing woman is not humor but part of a lie industry, igniting a small tribal bonfire with a Star of David, under the guise of art."
Hunter's actions have led to the cancellation of several of his performances, which he attributes to "Zionists." The comedian has yet to apologize for the Edinburgh incident, referring to it only as an "unfortunate incident" where he was "pushing boundaries and creating humor."
Sussex Police acknowledged the sensitivity of the situation, stating, "We recognize there is the potential for increased tensions and are engaging with communities and partners to ensure people feel safe and protected."
As of now, Hunter has not responded to requests for comment on this latest controversy.