Israel-Gaza War, AIPAC, Politics

Stunning AIPAC victory as Squad member Jamaal Bowman is ousted in the Primary

American Jews can rest a bit easier now that Israel-hating Jamaal Bowman has been replaced by Latimer.

Jamaal Bowman speaks during rally in the Bronx with AOC and Bernie Sanders, St. Mary’s Park in New York, June 22, 2024 (Photo: Shutterstock / Lev Radin)

In a stunning upset that sent shockwaves through progressive circles, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) lost his primary race Tuesday night to George Latimer, a moderate Democrat and Westchester County executive. The defeat marks the first time a member of the progressive "Squad" has been unseated since the group's formation in 2018, potentially signaling a broader shift in Democratic Party politics.

As reported by NBC, Bowman's defeat can be largely attributed to his stance on Israel following Hamas' October 7 attacks. As a staunch progressive, Bowman quickly became a vocal proponent for a cease-fire, opposed military aid to Israel, and described Israel's military actions as "genocide." His perspective was shaped by a transformative 2021 visit to the West Bank, where he claims to have witnessed Palestinian oppression firsthand. This position proved controversial in his district.

Seizing on this vulnerability, pro-Israel leaders recruited George Latimer, a seasoned New York politician, to challenge Bowman. They then flooded Latimer's campaign with unprecedented financial support, effectively turning the race into a referendum on Israel policy and challenging the progressive wing's influence within the Democratic Party.

The race for New York's 16th Congressional District, became the most expensive House primary in U.S. history, as reported by Politico and Newsweek, as pro-Israel groups, led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), poured more than $14 million into the race to unseat Bowman.

Latimer, who ran a campaign focused on local issues and infrastructure spending, secured a decisive victory with 58.4% of the vote to Bowman's 41.6%, with 88.4% of expected votes counted.

"Tonight we turn a page and we say we believe in inclusion of everybody in our representation," Latimer told supporters in his victory speech, striking a unifying tone that contrasted sharply with the divisive nature of the campaign.

Bowman, in his concession speech, remained defiant, blasting AIPAC and its affiliates for what he called an attempt to "brainwash" voters. "Unfortunately some so-called Democrats are aligning themselves with radical, racist Republicans," Bowman said, vowing to continue his fight for progressive causes.

The race highlighted the growing rift within the Democratic Party over Israel policy, with moderates seeking to reassert control over the party's direction. AIPAC hailed the result as "a major victory for the Democratic mainstream that stands with the Jewish state and a defeat for the extremist fringe."

However, Bowman's allies, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who campaigned for him in the final days, warned that the influx of outside money could have a chilling effect on Democratic lawmakers willing to criticize Israel.

The primary's outcome may serve as a cautionary tale for other progressive Democrats facing challenges from more moderate candidates, especially in districts with significant Jewish populations. It also raises questions about the future direction of the party as it grapples with internal divisions over foreign policy and domestic issues.

As the dust settles on this high-stakes primary, all eyes will be on how this result impacts the broader progressive movement within the Democratic Party and whether it represents a one-off event or the beginning of a larger trend.

Israel-Gaza war American Jewry AIPAC Antisemitism


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