Israel-Gaza War

Michal Herzog Leads Mothers' Prayer for Captives

The President's wife arrived at a special meeting of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, where she said a prayer for the hostages and told everyone to remember them even during the fighting.

Screenshot from footage of Michal Herzog. (Source: Presidential Residence.)

Michal Herzog, wife of President Yitzhak Herzog, arrived at a special prayer evening with the mothers of the hostages, calling for everyone to not forget them and the families, even while battles are raging. Watch:

Click here

Courtesy of the President's Residence.

The President’s wife arrived at the event organized by the families of the captives and participated in a mothers’ prayer for the safety and well-being of the hostages:

“This is an hour of mercy, and we carry a prayer, together. For the return home of babies, children, elderly, women and men – so beloved who were taken and dragged and kidnapped with inhuman cruelty.”

“And my thoughts and ours are with you and your loved ones all the time. Day and night. Over all our hearts is a thick, dark cloud – a cloud of mourning, longing, paralyzing anxiety, and terrible sadness.”

“We all feel this black cloud, all whose life is planted here. We awaken – and it is there, we go out to the street – and the street is full of it. We ask to rest from it a bit and go to sleep – and it accompanies us in our dreams. From beyond the sirens, the interceptions, the thunder of the fighter planes, the din of the tanks and the guns, this voice must not be swallowed up, must not stop even for a moment. It must be heard all the time, clear and loud and ascendant above all the other voices: it is the voice of the mothers calling for their children to return home.”

The President’s wife explained that the pain on the topic of the hostages reaches every home and that every Jew and Israeli feels it.

Michal Herzog Yitzhak Herzog Captives Simchat Torah Massacre Hamas Operation Swords of Iron


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