Amsalem Replies Sharply to Liebskind  

Dudi Amsalem to the presenter: "Who will I appoint? You?"

Minister Dudi Amsalem was asked by Kalman Liebskind why he works to appoint his friends to positions in the ministry. He replied, "Who will I appoint? You?"

(Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Following his confrontation with the CEO of the Companies Authority, Minister Dudi Amsalem was interviewed this morning by Kan Channel 2, where he explained why he wants to replace her.

During the interview, the journalist Kalman Liebskind asked him: "Could it be that the story is a bit different? You entered the position, tried to appoint all sorts of friends and close associates, and she didn't allow you to, and from there we reached where we are?"

Amsalem replied, "I can't appoint nobody. I tried to appoint Eli Aharoni, my good friend for 40 years."

Liebskind asked, "Why are you dealing with appointing your friends?" Amsalem answered, "Whom should I appoint? You, Kalman? My role is to bring in people I know and appreciate."


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Netanyahu's Trial Resumes

Netanyahu's Trial Resumes Today, Minister Amsalem Criticized the Decision

Netanyahu's trial will resume today, after the courts have returned to work in a normal format. The evidence in case 4000 will pick up where it left off. Minister Amsalem criticized the decision to renew the trial: "a disgrace like no other."

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Orit Strook's New Position

With the approval of the government: the new position of Orit Strook

Minister Orit Strook is expected to be elected as the government representative on the Rabbinical Judicial Appointments Committee, along with Ministers Dudi Amsalem and Michael Malchieli. The committee appoints a total of 13 members

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