Israel-Gaza War, Maldives

Maldives announces ban on those with Israeli passports

The decision comes as a statement of solidarity with the Palestinians and amid a generally turbulent relationship with the Jewish State.

An island paradise - now barred to Israelis. The Maldives. (Photo: icemanphotos/Shutterstock)

The government of the Maldives, famous for its island resorts, announced a ban on all those with Israeli passports from visiting or vacationing there today (Sunday), as an act of solidarity with the Palestinians in the war.

The government also announced the appointment of a special envoy to assist "our brothers and sisters in Palestine" via UNRWA and through other channels.

Southeast Asian journalist Sidhant Sibal noted that Israel has had a very rocky relationship with the island nation, with relations turning hot and cold very suddenly.

He posted the timeline on X:


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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

Watch: IDF eliminates Hezbollah drone operative 

The IDF also struck multiple terror targets across southern Lebanon, while two drones fell in Israeli territory without causing casualties.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Humanitarian Aid

Reuters: Armed Service Committee Chairman demands Gaza pier be dismantled

According to Rogers, the pier has proven to be ineffective, risky, and a waste of hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

Israel-Lebanon war, Hezbollah 

IDF preparing for war with Hezbollah

As tensions continue to rise with Lebanon, the IDF has begun moving soldiers to the North to prepare for a potential combat situation to break out.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

IDF Gaza, Humanitarian Aid

The IDF's last mission in Rafah: It's not what you think

As the IDF prepare to finish their military operations in the area of Khan Yunis in Gaza, their remains the need to deal with certain issues before leaving. 

| Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

Watch: IDF continues preparations for war with Hezbollah

Regular and reserve IDF forces continue to practice the different challenges soldiers would face in a Lebanon war.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

How many buildings were actually "destroyed" in Gaza?

An IDF investigation based on multiple drone angles suggests the number is significantly lower than many international organizations claim.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Arab sources: IDF launches surprise attack in Shejaiya

Arab sources report a sudden IDF attack in Shejaiya in northern Gaza city, with residents fleeing artillery and helicopter fire.

JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Hamas and PIJ may be able to launch rockets from Judea and Samaria within a year

Senior security officials in the Palestinian Authority believe that at the current rate of arms smuggling, Hamas and PIJ forces will be able to launch Gaza-quality rockets within a year.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, United States

Axios: Bomb shipment delay led to broader delays in weapons deliveries to Israel

In addition to ire over Prime Minister Netanyahu's public criticism, other causes led to the US delaying weapons shipments, as well.

Avi Woolf | 27.06.24

Internal affairs, Israel armaments

Gallant: Significant progress has been made on the issue of armaments

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said after his meeting with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that significant progress had been made and obstacles had been removed regarding the issue of supplying arms to Israel.

Liran Vainshtain | 26.06.24
Netanyahu hits back at Gallant: We need to speak openly about disagreements with US

People in Netanyahu's entourage responded to Gallant's statement that disagreements with the US should be handled "in house" by noting that sometimes this isn't possible.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Air Force strikes over 100 targets in Gaza Strip

These strikes include dozens of "loop closures" killing multiple terrorists.

Avi Woolf | 26.06.24