Israel AI Worldwide ranking

Israel Ranks Fourth Globally in AI Advancement

Israel has achieved fourth place in a recent global ranking of artificial intelligence (AI) advancement, according to a study by ZeroBounce. The study evaluated countries based on private investments, the number of AI-related start-ups, and workforce criteria, including the presence of AI specialists and related job postings.

Founder of OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, to found new company. (Photo: 3rdtimeluckystudio/Shutterstock)

According to Jerusalem Post reports, the top ten countries in AI advancement were listed as follows: the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Germany, India, France, South Korea, and Singapore.

The study highlighted that the United States leads the field with $335.2 billion in private investments over the past decade, the creation of 5,500 AI start-ups, and 71,000 job openings in AI for 2024. China, in second place, has invested $103.5 billion—three times less than the US—but shows rapid advancements in AI with a higher percentage of AI specialists in the workforce (0.64%).

The United Kingdom, ranking third, invested $22.2 billion in AI, with $3.78 billion spent in 2023 alone. However, it established fewer start-ups compared to India, with a total of 727.

Israel, in fourth place, has invested $12.83 billion in AI innovations and has established 442 AI start-ups. Despite having nearly 300 fewer start-ups than the UK, Israel boasts the highest concentration of AI talent relative to its workforce, at 1.13%.

Canada, in fifth place, made $10.35 billion in investments and spent slightly more on AI than Israel in 2023 ($1.61 billion). AI job postings in Canada account for 1.05% of all vacancies, the third-highest rate among the top-ranked countries.


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