
The Religious Settlement Organized a Wedding for a Lone Soldier who Remained at the Base

Residents of the settlement of Mevo Dotan in the Samaria region organized a festive wedding for a lone soldier whose family resides in France. The head of the settlement, Eitan Gorman, stated: "We were excited to celebrate with the groom and bride during such difficult times."

| Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 29.10.23

Wedding at the Army Base

The Bride Came to the Base to get Married. Watch

The groom, an officer who replaced another officer who fell in battle, thus canceled their wedding that took place in a base near the front lines. He decided, together with his wife, to add love in order to stop the hatred.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | 17.10.23

Wedding Before Reserve Service

Flash wedding: They were called for reserve service and decided to get married

A couple who arrived home last night from Thailand got married before their departure to the front after both of them received a summons. Rabbi David Stav, who officiated the ceremony, said to the two: "The expression of love is anchored between the couple and the people and the land"

JFeed | 10.10.23

Disaster In Iraq

Disaster in Iraq: 113 dead in a fire that broke out at a wedding

At least 113 people were killed and another 150 were injured in a fire that broke out at a wedding in the Iraqi town of Al-Hamdaniya. Rescue teams are working to search for survivors in the ruins of the hall, which collapsed after catching fire

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23