
Weather Forecast
Rainy and Stormy: Winds, Hail and Floods: Weather Forecast for the Weekend

Weekend weather will be rainy and stormy. Heavy rains will fall accompanied by high winds, thunderstorms and hail. Weather forecast for the weekend.

JFeed Staff | 21.12.23

Weather Forecast

Towards a Stormy Day: Rain, Winds and Thunder: Weather Forecast

The winter weather will intensify in the next day. The rains will become heavier and they will be accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds. There is a fear of flooding. Weather Forecast

JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Weather Forecast

Rain, Strong Winds, Thunder and Floods: Weather Forecast for the Coming Week

The weather in the coming week will be wintry. Temperatures will drop, and there will be rain accompanied by thunderstorms. There is a concern for flooding. Weather forecast for the upcoming week.

JFeed | 28.10.23

Weather Forecast

Madness: extreme heat wave, rain and thunder: weather forecast for the coming week

The weather in the upcoming week will be hot and dry. It will start with an extreme heatwave accompanied by rain and thunderstorms. On Monday, there will be a relatively slight decrease in temperatures, signaling a trend change. Weather forecast for the upcoming week

JFeed | 13.08.23