the massacre in the south

SUPERNOVA - The Music Festival Massacre
KAN's "SUPERNOVA - The Music Festival Massacre" Unveils Horror of Tragic Events

KAN's latest documentary, "SUPERNOVA - The Music Festival Massacre," exposes the shocking events of October 7th, 2023, during a major trance-music festival in the Israeli desert.

Abraham Gutman | 14.01.24

The Victims Of October 7

Remembering the Horrors: IDF Releases Graphic Aftermath Footage of October 7 Massacre

In a stark and unsettling footage uploaded by the IDF on YouTube, the aftermath of the October 7 massacre is laid bare. Three months after the invasion by Hamas terrorists, Israel faced its most brutal day in history, marking the deadliest incident for Jews since the Holocaust.

Abraham Gutman | 10.01.24

Plans for Massacre Found

Plans for Massacre Found in the House of Senior Islamic Jihad Official in Gaza

Fighters of the Yiftach Brigade raided the house of senior Islamic Jihad official in the Gaza Strip and found battle plans for the October 7th attack, at the end of the activity the forces destroyed the tunnels that surrounded his house.

JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

Hamas Battalion Commander Eliminated

Another Operational Success: Commander of Battalion that Raided Be'eri was Eliminated

The IDF and the Shin Bet killed in an airstrike the commander of the Nuzirat Battalion of the terrorist organization Hamas and his deputy. The two were among those responsible for the terrible massacre in Kibbutz Be'eri on the 7th of October.

JFeed Staff | 06.01.24

IDF Spokesman's Daily Comments

IDF Spokesman: The Residents of the Gaza Strip Envelope who Return will See a Change in the Borders

Against the background of Minister Strook's question to the IDF general, the spokesperson said that "the IDF continues to operate in an integrated manner. The forces on the ground are fighting with an aerial umbrella that assists or rescues them."

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

Upcoming Independence Day

Preparations for Independence Day: Theme Chosen for Beacon Ceremony

Minister of Transportation Miri Regev was appointed to be in charge of the events of the 76th anniversary of the State of Israel which will be marked "Israeli heroism" and in which expression will be given to all the events of heroism that accompanied the terrible massacre and the war.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

Israel At War

Netanyahu Considering Changing the Name of the War - Here are the Options

Over two months after the start of the 'Swords of Iron' war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering changing its name. Here are the possible names.

JFeed Staff | 18.12.23

Abductee Tal Chaimi - Murdered

The Family of the Abductee Tal Chaimi was Informed that he had been Murdered

The Chaimi family was informed that Tal was murdered on October 7th and his body was kidnapped by the terrorist organization Hamas. Tal left behind a wife and three children.

JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Kidnapping of Mia Leimberg

Facing Drawn Guns: Documentation of the Kidnapping of Mia Leimberg

Documentation from the security cameras of Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak show the moments of the terrorists' break-in on October 7th and the kidnapping of Mia and Gabriela Leimberg.

JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

Screening of Horror Documentary

For the First Time: the Horror Documentary will be Shown to the Heads of Arab Society

Tonight, the IDF spokesman's horror documentary will be screened to the leaders of the Arab society as part of the advocacy activity. Heads of Arab local authorities, journalists and opinion leaders from the Arab society in Israel were invited to the screening.

Chani Edri, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed | 05.12.23

Rape During the Massacre

Against the Background of the Silence of the UN: Exposing the Evidence of Rape During the Massacre

Against the background of the silence of the UN and the women's organizations regarding the rape committed by the Hamas murders in the October 7th massacre, Ambassador Erdan held a screening at the UN with the women's testimonies about the severe rape.

| Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 04.12.23

"International Crimes"

Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal: "These are Serious International Crimes"

The prosecutor of the court in the Hague who visited Israel, met with the families of the abductees and toured the areas of the massacre, in a statement published by a reporter: "these are the cases for which the international court was established."

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

UN Secretary General's Statement

Two Months After the Massacre: the Lukewarm Statement of the UN Secretary General

Two months after the massacre in the south, the UN Secretary-General issued a tepid statement calling for an investigation into the rape crimes committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7th after receiving numerous reports about it, as he said.

| Liran Vainshtain, Yehuda Klein, JFeed | 30.11.23

Ravid Katz HY"D

The Katz Family has Been Updated: Father Ravid Who Was Defined as kidnapped Was Murdered

The family of Ravid Katz, who was identified as kidnapped since Saturday, October 7, was informed of his murder. His sister is Doron Katz - who was released last Friday from Gaza.

JFeed | 28.11.23

The Warnings About The Massacre

"Completely Imaginary": This is How the Command Responded to the Warning About the Massacre

The dimensions of the omission that preceded the massacre continue to be revealed. It is now known that Sergeant Major V., who warned about it, even stated about a month before the massacre that precisely now, in the marking of the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, one must be doubly careful.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 28.11.23

Israel At War

A Gang Was Arrested that Looted Property From Those Murdered Around Gaza

The Israel Police arrested seven suspects of looting the property of residents of the Gaza Strip at the time of the massacre, three tow trucks and two Land Cruiser vehicles were found at the scene.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 27.11.23

"Israel Killed Those Murdered"

Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Israel Killed Those Murdered at the Nature Party

A document from the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accuses Israel of killing the celebrants at the Nature Festival in Re'im using helicopters, which would justify the attacks in the Gaza Strip.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 19.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Denial

Denial: The Director Who Denies the Rape in the South

The director of an assistance center for victims of sexual assault at the University of Alberta in Canada signed a pro-Palestinian petition questioning the rape committed by Hamas terrorists during the massacre. The university management fired the director and apologized.

| Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 19.11.23


Horrifying: A Hamas Terrorist Takes Pride in his Actions over the Phone. Listen

The conversation was discovered during the cleansing of the slaughter areas in the Gaza Strip envelope by IDF forces and the Shin Bet. They found a phone belonging to one of the victims, which contained a recording of a conversation between a Hamas terrorist and his family members from the Gaza Strip.

JFeed | 24.10.23