stabbing attack

Terror in Jerusalem
Turkish connection: Police reveal identity of terrorist in this morning's attack

Hassan Sklanan, a 34-year-old tourist from Turkey, is the terrorist behind today's attack at Herod's Gate in Jerusalem. A policeman was moderately injured in the attack, and the terrorist was eliminated on the spot.

JFeed Staff | 30.04.24

Terrorist Attack

Terrorist eliminated after trying to stab soldiers near Hebron

Soldiers acted quickly to neutralize the female terrorist. The IDF remains on high alert in all sectors.

JFeed Staff | 24.04.24

Terror Stabbing, Jerusalem

Terror in Jerusalem: 14-year-old terrorist detained after stabbing elderly Jew

Rescue and police forces were called to the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood in Jerusalem following a stabbing attack in which a 64-year-old man was wounded and is in mild-moderate condition.

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff | 06.03.24

Israel At War

Watch: The Terrorist Neutralized, Attempted to Fire with Found Weapon

Footage published from the Ma'ale Adumim attack shows that the terrorist managed to find a weapon at the guard post after being neutralized and tried to shoot the security guards who attacked and took the weapon from him.

JFeed Staff | 04.01.24

Stabbing Attack

Stabbing Attack in Ma'ale Adumim; Two Injured

A terrorist carried out a stabbing attack in the industrial area near Ma'ale Adumim, two wounded at the scene receiving medical treatment. The terrorist was neutralized.

| Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

Stabbing Attack

Stabbing Attack in Samaria: One Person Injured

Initial reports indicate that a terrorist arrived at the Rantis checkpoint near Beit Aryeh, stabbed and moderately wounded a reservist and escaped. The IDF forces are scanning the area.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Stabbing Attack Foiled

During Shabbat: a Stabbing Attack Near Nablus was Foiled

A reserve force operating near Nablus noticed a suspicious figure approaching them and began to interrogate him. The terrorist took out a knife and began running towards the fighters who killed him.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 02.12.23


An Indictment Against an Arab Woman from Jerusalem for Inciting Terrorism

An indictment of incitement to terrorism was filed against the city's resident Halla Ganam, who, after her cousin was murdered by Hamas, claimed that Israel had killed him, and called for revenge.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 27.11.23

Dublin, Stabbing Attack

Stabbing Attack in Central Dublin: 3 Children Seriously Injured

A significant stabbing incident took place in the center of Dublin, the capital of Ireland. Five people were injured, including three children in serious condition. The stabber was arrested.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 23.11.23

The Murderer is Coming Back

The Person who Tried to Murder Me is Coming Back to Live Next to Me

As part of the hostage deal, the 16-year-old terrorist, Nafoz Jaz Aref Hamad, who stabbed Moriah Cohen, in front of her children, is expected to be released. Moriah was shocked by the decision: "Why should my child see the person who tried to murder me?"

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 22.11.23

Stabbing Attack

A Man was Seriously Injured in a Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem; the Terrorist was Neutralized

A terrorist attacked a police officer and stabbed him. Forces pursued the terrorist and neutralized him with gunfire. The police officer was seriously injured in the upper body and was taken to the hospital. Among the police officers who responded was the father of a girl who was killed on the first day of the war.

| JFeed | 30.10.23

Stabbing Attack

Breaking news: Stabbing attack in Givat HaMivtar; the assailant has been shot.

Attack in Givat HaMivtar: An Arab assailant stabbed a security officer on the light rail in Jerusalem. The injured security officer returned fire and wounded the assailant severely.

JFeed | 21.09.23

"Exactly What is Expected"

Border Police commander: "Exactly what is expected of our fighters"

A terrorist arrived at the Mizmoriya checkpoint, tried to murder Border Police fighters with a knife and was neutralized by the fighters on the scene. Border Police commander: "It went well, your vigilance is noteworthy"

JFeed | 18.09.23

Stabbing Attack

Stabbing attack in Gush Etzion: the terrorist was neutralized. View the documentation

An Arab terrorist arrived at the Mazmoriya checkpoint and tried to murder the security forces who were manning the checkpoint. He was shot by one of the fighters and neutralized on the spot. Watch the documentation

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

The Arrest of the Terrorist was Extended

The arrest of the terrorist from the stabbing attack in Jerusalem was extended

The police have announced that the detention of the terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack near Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem last night has been extended until September 13th. In parallel, an associate of the terrorist has been arrested, who, according to suspicion, was aware of his intentions and did not report it

JFeed | 07.09.23

Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

Stabbing attack in Jerusalem: 3 injured near Jaffa Gate

A 50-year-old man was seriously injured and 2 others were slightly wounded, in a stabbing attack near the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem when a terrorist stabbed him with a butcher knife. Police forces were called to the scene and caught the terrorist

JFeed | 06.09.23

Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

Documented: the moments of the attack in Jerusalem. Watch

Sergeant E. - the policeman who was stabbed in the vest and neutralized the terrorist by force - recounted the moments of the stabbing attack, and explains why he didn't shoot the terrorist. Watch the documentation of the attack

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

The Terrorist Victim's Claim

After a year and a half: the millions claim of the victim of the attack

Eliyahu Dehan, who was seriously injured in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem in 2022, has filed a civil lawsuit through the organization 'Honenu' against the terrorist for an amount of ten million shekels

JFeed | 23.08.23

The Terrorist Attack is Solved

The attack in Gila was solved: a prosecutor's statement was submitted against the terrorists

It was allowed to be published that the police and the General Security Agency solved the stabbing attack that was carried out in Gilo last month, in which a 30-year-old man was seriously injured. A prosecutor's statement was submitted against the three terrorists, in preparation for an indictment expected in the coming days

JFeed | 09.08.23