
IDF, Soldier's Mother
Opinion from a soldier's mom: My heart wears an IDF uniform these days

A mother's poignant journey as her son serves in the IDF, exploring the bittersweet mix of pride and fear that comes with having a child in uniform. This intimate portrait reveals the unseen emotional battleground of those left behind, where every day is a struggle between hope and anxiety.

Gila Isaacson | 05.08.24

Parting from Hillel Nehemiah, Z"L

"He joined a combat unit out of ideology": a cousin of the late Hillel Nehemiah in an interview with Srugim

The late soldier Hillel Nehemiah collapsed and died during military training. His cousin Yaffa told Srugim about his special personality; "quiet waters run deep" alongside the broad knowledge, ideology and nobility that characterized him

Sarit Shefek | 15.08.23

Goldknopf Condemns

Goldknopf condemns the attack of the soldier by ultra-Orthodox

Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf addressed the video in which an ultra-Orthodox extremist family is seen calling towards a soldier in a vehicle "We will die and not enlist," and compared her to dogs and frogs, criticizing the behavior of the ultra-Orthodox in the video.

JFeed | 09.08.23