
Netanyahu, Biden
Report: The reason why Netanyahu was 'furious' after phone call with Biden

Prime Minister Netanyahu strongly opposes President Biden's decision to sign a presidential order against 'dangerous' settlers.

JFeed Staff | 14.02.24

The True Enemies

Ben Gvir vs. Gallant: The Enemies are the Nazis from Gaza, not the Settlers

Defense Minister Gallant, for the second time since the beginning of Operation Swords of Iron, issued an arrest warrant against a resident of Binyamin. In response, Ben-Gvir criticized him: "It seems to me that someone is confused, the enemies are the Nazis from Gaza, not the settlers."

| Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23

"We will Slaughter You"

Tamimi: "What Hitler Did was a Joke, We will Slaughter You"

The terrorist Ahed Tamimi called for the murder of the residents of Judea and Samaria. On her Instagram page, she wrote: "We will slaughter you, drink your blood, and eat your skulls. Come on, we're waiting for you."

JFeed | 31.10.23

Salt of the Earth

How did the 'salt of the earth' become a 'cancer of the state'?

The left does not have the wise man to stop the drift and criticize the way of dividing the people and destroying the country in which they are working and towards which they are aiming. The majority of the people believe in the importance of the settlements project and for it, the settlers, not only are not 'the cancer of the state', but the salt of the earth, in whom they believe and to whom they give their hope

Yehudit Ohana | 06.09.23

'Samaria for a million'

The Samaria Council developed a plan for a million residents in Samaria

The Samaria Regional Council has developed a professional plan for the growth of Samaria to one million residents by the year 2050, which includes: new cities, industrial zones, a railway, and an airport. The head of the council, Yossi Dagan, wrote in a letter to the Prime Minister: "Adopt the plan in the government, strengthen Zionism, and lower housing prices in the country"

JFeed | 23.08.23

Enough With the Slander!

They trample the settlers and there is no opposition. Enough already!

The latest news once again ridicule a whole community, and everything goes. It is allowed to say that the settlers are lowlife murderers, to say that they are dangerous, that they are animals of prey. We have exhausted this demonization.

Yehudit Lazarovitch | 10.08.23