An indictment was filed against the terrorist who attempted to murder a 60-year-old woman in her home on Koresh Street in Jerusalem. The terrorist choked her, robbed her of her jewelry and money, and then returned to stab her. As a result of the attack, the elderly woman was evacuated to the hospital suffering from severe injuries, including head trauma, stab wounds to the neck and chest, and rib fractures.
Daughter of Prominent Rabbi Injured in Jerusalem Stabbing Incident
Unacceptable anti-Haredi bias
Baruch Dayan HaEmet
The pioneer Rebbe who supported Jewish settlement
A night of contrasts
Yemen to strike Jerusalem and Ben Gurion airport
The Numbers Are In
Suspect claimed to have planted bombs in the "Klal" Building
We'll See If He's Right
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
The War Is Far From Over
Just in time for Hannukah
A Great Miracle
Really, Really Bad News
From Toddlers to Teens (And Parents Too!)