Breaking barriers: 31 Haredim graduate as Border Police after grueling 4 month training
For the very first time, 31 Haredi fighters completed their training within the framework of the Israeli Police's Border Guard.
For the very first time, 31 Haredi fighters completed their training within the framework of the Israeli Police's Border Guard.
Tragedy, Children found dead, poisoning
Murder case, Crime
Terror attack, shooting, Allenby crossing
Gur, IDF, Israel Police
Missing child Haymanut Kasau, Safed Kidnapping
Police arrest suspect, Mea Sharim
Jordan Valley, Weapons smuggling, Israeli Police
Yellow Ribbons, Smuggling, Judea and Samaria
Terror attack, Police officers killed, PA Guard
Duvdivan, Terrorist Eliminated, Hebron
Domestic abuse, Violence, East Jerusalem
IDF Fallen soldier, Body returned to Israel, Gaza captivity
Illegal Arab residents arrested, Gush Dan, Tel Aviv Police
Murder of Prison Guard, Hamas Crime
Car accident, Haredi Girl killed
Travel disturbance, Plane returns to Tel Aviv
Murder in Israel, Crime poll
Sderot, Back to School
Smuggling into Israeli Prisons, Sim cards