
Watch | This is how the Navy Thwarted the Infiltration of Terrorists at Zikim Beach

The IDF spokesman published the documentation of the Navy's activity during the elimination of a terrorist squad that tried to infiltrate Israel through the seashore in the Zikim area.

JFeed | 25.10.23

Administrative Detention

The riots in south Tel Aviv: 53 infiltrators were transferred to administrative detention

After Minister Ben-Gvir intervened, and three days following the massive unrest and riots in South Tel Aviv, 53 Eritrean infiltrators who were involved in the disturbances were placed in administrative detention at the Tzalmon Prison in Ramla

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 05.09.23

"Strong Measures Against the Rioters"

PM Binyamin Netanyahu convened a special team of ministers to examine how to deal with law-breaking infiltrators

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened a discussion yesterday (Sunday) with a special team of ministers, to examine the way of handling law-breaking infiltrators

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 04.09.23

Complex Considerations

Think carefully before expelling the infiltrators

Pictures of buses crowded with refugees who will be removed from Israel will not lead to sanctifying the name of God in the world. We will be accused by all that we cannot pretend to enlighten humanity if this is how we treat refugees, especially after we ourselves were refugees for many years

Rabbi Daniel Sigron | 03.09.23