"A year later, the hostility hasn't subsided - it's become the new normal," warns Israel's antisemitism monitoring unit.
Germany's Last Spark of Hope???
Iran is escalating its anti-Israel efforts
Horrific attack
EU halts asylum applications amid Syria turnaround
Never a dull moment
Israel folds to European Pressure, Extends Compensation for PA
Making yeridah - Leaving conflict behind
Trump anxiety gets some packing their bags
Growing European threat against Israelis
Douglas Murray's "The Strange Death of Europe"
October 7, Europe, Pro-Hezbollah Demonstrations
Flooding in Europe, Civillians killed, Extreme weather
Tourism, Greece, Summer holiday, Tax increase
Europe, Israel-Gaza War
Syria, Refugees
October 7, Antisemitism, Europe
Anti-Semitism, Europe
Poll, emigration statistics, Israel at war
Travel, European countries, Summer holiday