
5 Coffins of the Kutz Family
5 Coffins: The Kutz Family was Laid to Rest

The five members of the Kutz family - the parents Livnat and Aviv, and their children Rotem, Yonatan, and Yiftach, who were found huddled together in their home in Kfar Gaza, were brought to rest side by side at the cemetery in Gan Yavne last night.

Chani Edri, JFeed | 18.10.23

Eulogy for Moshe Ohayon

Eulogy for my Soulmate Moshe Ohayon who Fell in the Battle for our Homeland

I used to send you a message during times of confusion: "What now?" and you almost always replied with the same answer: "Just like it was until today, only much better." And it truly was much better, Moshe. You promised and delivered.

Guy Ezra | 15.10.23

"Symbol of Bravery"

Matan Avargil's Friend Eulogized: "You are the Symbol of Bravery"

Imri Edri, a comrade in the battalion of the late Matan Avargil who was killed in the war in the south, eulogized his death and said that he jumped on a grenade to save the lives of his friends: "You are the symbol of bravery, selflessness and true friendship."

JFeed | 12.10.23

Eulogy for Shabtai Shavit, z"l

Yoav Gallant eulogizes: "We will never know how much we owe him"

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant spoke this morning at the funeral of former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit: "Many citizens of Israel do not know, and probably will never know, how much they owe to this extraordinary man"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 08.09.23