emergency government

"United in Purpose": Netanyahu Presented the Emergency Government

With 66 Members of Knesset in favor, the Knesset approved the emergency government. Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "This is indeed a war for our home, and it will end in one thing: absolute victory, and the crushing and elimination of Hamas, which is ISIS."

JFeed | 12.10.23

"Hamas is ISIS"

Netanyahu: "Now the world knows that Hamas is ISIS"

After three days of extensive fighting in the south, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a statement to the media and said, "The whole world now knows that Hamas is like ISIS. What we will do to our enemies will resonate for generations"

Uriel Be'eri, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed | 09.10.23

Lieberman: "Will Join the Government"

Lieberman: I will join the government without any conditions

On his Twitter account, he wrote that he is ready to join an emergency government without conditions, stating, "The order of priorities must be clear above all else, the elimination of Hamas and its leaders"

JFeed | 08.10.23

Ronen Tzur: "We Must Stop"

Ronen Tzur's surprising call to join the government

The publicist and political activist Ronen Zur came out with a surprising statement, in which he called on the Twitter network to the members of the opposition to agree to enter the Netanyahu government as a result of the situation in the country

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 27.07.23