
Northern Front, Hezbollah Suicide Drones
Discover the primary targets of Hezbollah's suicide drones

Hezbollah has widened its reach with diverse targets across Israel, especially in a certain domain. 

Avi Nachmani | 24.06.24

Houthi Attack

Another UAV attack near Eilat: Hostile aircraft shot down near the border

A hostile aircraft was shot down near Ramon Airport about 200 meters from the Jordanian border. No injuries or damage were reported and details of the incident are being investigated.

JFeed Staff | 02.04.24

War in Ukraine, Drone Attack

Reports: Ukraine's drone attacks deep into Russian territory an "embarrassment" to Putin

The Kremlin admitted that Ukraine had successfully launched a series of drone attacks Tuesday, including one targeting Moscow.

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff | 12.03.24

Israel-Gaza War

As seen from a drone: IDF sniper takes out Hamas terrorist throwing grenade

Special unit forces continue to operate in Khan Yunis, targeting terrorists with the help of IDF aircraft. During a raid in the city, terrorists armed with RPGs and Kalashnikovs were eliminated after opening fire on soldiers. 

| Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 24.02.24

Israel - Gaza War

Watch: Drone Identified from Above, Terrorists Neutralized with a Missile

In recent weeks, fighters from the 4th (Kiryati) Brigade operated in the Khan Yunis area, eliminating numerous terrorists. The IDF emphasizes that forces utilized surveillance drones to gather intelligence, enabling the elimination of terrorist operatives.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

The IDF Fighters' Tactic Against the Eliminated Terrorists in Gaza. Watch:

Last night in Bureij and Khan Yunis. Neutralizing a terrorist cell and destroying several launch positions targeting the homeland. The soldiers' tactic against the terrorists: They waited for them to enter one building, and they were eliminated. Watch:

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.01.24

Security Incident in Sderot

Fear of a Security Incident in Sderot has been Removed

After the residents of Sderot reported alerts for fear of drones infiltrating their city and were instructed to shut themselves in their homes, the threat was removed and the residents returned to their normal routine.

JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

A Yemeni Drone was Intercepted

Report: An American Ship Shot Down a Yemeni Drone

Sources in the US reported that a warship of the US Navy intercepted a drone launched from Yemen in the Red Sea. Last night, alarms sounded in Eilat after a surface-to-surface missile was launched by the Houthis towards Israel and was intercepted by the air defense system.

| Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 15.11.23

Attack In Syria

Report in Syria: two killed in an Israeli attack

Syrian sources reported that an explosion was heard in the town of Beit Jin after, according to them, an Israeli drone attacked the place. As a result, two motorcyclists were killed

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

"The Spark"

The next generation: "The Spark" joins the Air Force

The Israeli Air Force celebrated in a festive ceremony the arrival of "The Spark" drone, the future generation of unmanned aircraft for the IDF and the Israeli Air Force, marking the first fifth-generation drone that has been integrated into the IDF

JFeed | 11.09.23