
Israel - Gaza War
Gazans Demonstrate for the Release of the Hostages | Watch:

Residents of Gaza were documented today as they demonstrated for the release of captives. During the protest, they raised flags and called for the release of the hostages so they could return home. Watch:

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 24.01.24

Sunak Against The Protesters

Sunak against the protesters: "A disgrace, the Jewish community is afraid"

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the pro-Palestinian demonstrators who clashed with police at a rally in London last night: "The fact that they expressed anti-Semitic messages and supported Hamas is a disgrace to the demonstration. The fact that the Jewish community is afraid is particularly unfortunate."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 12.11.23

The Hamas Horrors Documentary

The Hamas Horrors Documentary was Screened in Hollywood, the Big Stars were Absent

The IDF spokesman's horror documentary was screened in Los Angeles in front of Hollywood industry executives under heavy security, but the big stars at the forefront were absent. Outside the event, clashes broke out between pro-Palestinian and Israeli demonstrators.

Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, JFeed Staff | 09.11.23

Expect Traffic Congestion

Expect traffic congestion: The Jerusalem Faction will demonstrate in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak

The extreme ultra-Orthodox movement 'The Jerusalem Faction' announced that it would go out to demonstrate in several locations throughout the country, following the arrest of a yeshiva student who refused to report to a recruitment office. Following the demonstrations, traffic congestion is expected in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 13.09.23

"A Convicted Felon"

One of the leaders of the protest: "I am a convicted felon"

After the court ruling against him last night, lawyer Gonen Ben Yitzhak clarified this morning that he is now a convicted felon: "Right now, I bow my head before the court"

JFeed | 04.09.23