
The Legal Reform
Rabbi Yosef: calls on the government and the opposition to compromise

At the beginning of saying 'Selichot', the first of Zion, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said: "I call from here on the government of Israel and the opposition to make all the compromises that need to be made, the main thing is that there will be peace among the people of Israel"

JFeed | 10.09.23

Measure of Reasonablesness - Negotiations

Smotrich pushes for a compromise, Ben Gvir and Levin refuse

While voting on the law to reduce the measure of reasonableness, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is trying to lead a compromise. On the other hand, Yariv Levin and Itamar Ben Gabir refuse

Bentzi Rubin | 24.07.23

A compromise?

Herzog: "We are in a national emergency, this is the time for responsibility"

Beside the talks for a compromise, the president of the country, Yitzhak Herzog, called to politicians that "the citizens of Israel are thirsty for hope and expect responsibility and leadership. I call to act with courage, and achieve an understanding."

Bentzi Rubin | 24.07.23