
Budgets for the Arab Authorities
Bypassing Smotrich: The Interior Minister will Transfer Budgets to the Arab Authorities

Minister of Interior Moshe Arbel has announced that he is transferring budgets to the Arab authorities without the approval of Finance Minister Smotrich. This comes after, in August, Smotrich froze the grant promised to the authorities with the support of Shaked and Abbas.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

Shikli's Proposal

Shikli to Smotrich: Transfer the money to the Arab authorities

Social Equality Minister Amichai Shikli responded to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich's decision and called on him to transfer the budgets to the Arab authorities, while finding a way to prevent spillover to criminal organizations

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 08.08.23