
Israel At War
Report: ISIS-Linked Terrorists Planned Attack in Jerusalem

For the second time within a month, security forces arrested 2 Arab residents of East Jerusalem on suspicion of planning attacks. In a search conducted in their homes, materials for preparing explosives and detonation devices were found. Indictments will be filed against both individuals.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 22.01.24

Israel At War, Tulkarm Camp

35 Hours of Combat in the Tulkarm Refugee Camp | Watch:

IDF forces conducted a counter-terrorism operation lasting over 35 hours in the Tulkarm refugee camp. So far, at least eight terrorists have been eliminated, 15 suspects apprehended, and dozens of explosive devices destroyed. Watch:

JFeed Staff | 18.01.24

"Espionage For The Benefit Of Israel"

Turkey: 33 Suspects Arrested for "Espionage for the Benefit of Israel"

Turkish Intelligence Services announced the issuance of arrest warrants for 46 suspects who allegedly operated on behalf of the Israeli Mossad, engaging in "espionage on foreign citizens" in the country. Thirty-three of the "Mossad personnel" were arrested in a widespread operation, while the search for the remaining eight continues.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 02.01.24

Israel At War

The IDF Locating an Explosives Lab and Destroying it in an Operation in Judea and Samaria | Watch

In addition, the forces arrested Khalida Jarrar, a wanted terrorist who serves as the head of the PFLP in Judea and Samaria, along with other senior PFLP activists in the Ramallah Binyamin area.

JFeed Staff | 26.12.23

Israel At War

Terrorist Cell Responsible for a Shooting Following the Massacre in the South was Captured

The shooting attack at the Qalandiya crossing, which was carried out a day after the start of the war, was solved after the four terrorists were arrested for questioning at the Jerusalem District Court and the Shin Bet and indictments were filed against them by the prosecutor's office.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel At War

Report: The IDF is Operating in the Village of Tubas, There is an Exchange of Fire on the Spot

Reserve special forces are currently operating in the village of Tubas to arrest wanted persons, there is an exchange of fire on the spot.

JFeed | 28.11.23

16 Wanted Persons Arrested

16 Wanted Persons were Arrested in Judea and Samaria, Including Another Senior Member of Hamas

IDF forces arrested 16 wanted persons in Judea and Samaria during the night, including senior Hamas official Tarek Abdullah Ahmed Salem. Since the beginning of the war, 1,850 wanted persons have been arrested in the area, of which approximately 1,100 are Hamas operatives.

JFeed | 20.11.23

60 Suspects Arrested

After the Riots: 60 Suspects were Arrested in Dagestan

The Russian Ministry of the Interior announced that 60 suspects who took part in riots at the airport in Dagestan were arrested, out of about 150 rioters identified. The governor of the state condemned: "This is a blatant violation of the law. There is no courage in a crowd waiting for helpless people."

| Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

2 Suspects Arrested in Jerusalem

With a kippah and a knife: detectives arrested 2 suspects near a synagogue

The police detectives in Jerusalem arrested two suspects, residents of East Jerusalem, near a synagogue in Pisgat Ze'ev. One of them was found in possession of a knife, a kippah, and a Star of David necklace

JFeed | 08.10.23

Security Forces Operated Last Night

13 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria, weapons were confiscated in Hebron

IDF forces have arrested 13 wanted individuals throughout Judea and Samaria, and they have also confiscated firearms, ammunition, and combat equipment. At the same time, four workshops for the production of weapons were targeted in a special operation in Hebron

JFeed | 27.09.23

Wanted Persons Arrested

24 wanted persons were arrested during the night in Judea and Samaria

Security forces arrested 24 suspects in a widespread operation across Judea and Samaria. The arrested individuals and confiscated combat materials were handed over to further handling by the security forces. There were no casualties among our forces

JFeed | 29.08.23

IDF's Last Night Operation

During last night: 13 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria

During last night, the IDF forces arrested 13 wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria, 6 of them in Kafr Burkin and 6 more in Kafr Beit Omer. Among those arrested was a senior member of the Islamic Jihad

JFeed | 03.08.23

Border Police Arrests Illegal residents and Accomplices

The Border Police arrested 186 illegal residents and 46 who assisted them.

The Border Police carried out a large-scale operation against illegal residents in recent weeks. During the operation, nearly 200 illegal residents and about 50 accomplices were apprehended.

JFeed | 30.07.23