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António Guterres

Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon.
Israel-Gaza War, United Nations

"The solution is not a ceasefire but the elimination of Hamas": Danny Danon takes UN Secretary General to task over war

Responding to a critical post by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres regarding the strike on a school-turned-terrorist outpost, Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon attacked Guterres for ignoring critical context.

Avi Woolf
SEP 12, 2024
Danny Danon.

Terrorism, United Nations

Danny Danon to UN Secretary-General: We're not sitting and waiting for suicide bombers

Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres

Isarel-Gaza War, UN

Guterres accuses Israel of misinformation.

Paying his respects to Raisi: UN-Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

Iran, United Nations

A new low: UN Secretary-General writes eulogy for murderer Raisi

Palestinians protest demanding compensation for damaged homes in the 2014 war, outside the headquarters of "UNRWA", in Gaza City, on September 5, 2022.

UNRWA Funding Boycott

Another Country Joins the Boycott: France TemporarilySuspends Funding to UNRWA 

 A general strike by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Balata camp, in the West Bank city of Nablus, on January 24, 2023.

UNRWA, A Global Ban

Global Ban on UNRWA: Employees Were Involved in the Massacre

Continues to condemn, Guterres

Israel-Gaza War, "Collective Punishment"

Guterres: "Hamas's Attack does not Justify Collective Punishment"

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UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

"Condemn the October 7 Attack"

UN Secretary General: Condemn the October 7 Attack

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"Condemn Hamas"

Blinken: "No Country in the UN Would Tolerate Slaughter"

Ambassador Erdan

"The Secretary-General must Resign"

Erdan is Angry: "The UN Secretary-General must Resign from his Position"

UN Secretary General António Guterres

Justification of Terrorism

UN Secretary General: "The Attack by Hamas - Because they are Under Occupation"

The Secretary General of the United Nations finds it difficult to point to the truth

"No Justification"

UN Secretary General: "There is No Justification for Collective Punishment"

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Gallant Met with UN Secretary General

Gallant: "Iran pushes Hezbollah to action"
