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anti-tank missile

Barak Daniel Halpern, Ido Zano, Omri Cohen
Last words of the fallen soldiers "Until tomorrow, let's make it the last day"

Chilling: The last story posted by the fighters who were killed in Gaza

Heart-breaking: The three fighters who were killed in Jabalia published their last footage from the fighting in Jabalia last night, and their quote is stirring the internet.

Eliana Fleming
DEC 9, 2024
Hamas terrorists

An old dog can't learn new tricks, Hamas use hospital as terror base

Hamas fires anti-tank missiles from Gaza hospital 

Israeli tank in Gaza

IDF: Find, Seize, Use against the enemy

IDF considering creating new antitank units using Hezbollah weaponry

news-israel 1
sraeli reserve soldiers at the bus that will take them to their deputy service in the north, in Jerusalem, September 25, 2024.

Israel-Hezbollah Conflict

Is the US-French ceasefire such a great idea? Here's what Israeli leaders have to say about it 

BDE: Fallen soldier, Efraim Ben Amram

IDF, Fallen soldier, Hezbollah

IDF publishes identity of soldier killed by Hezbollah missile

MDA evacuation from scene of attack

Hezbollah, Northern Front

1 killed, 7 wounded in anti-tank attack from Lebanon

The damage to the house in Kfar Yuval

Israel At War, The Northern Border 

Fatality and Severe Injury from Anti-Tank Missile Strike on a Home in Moshav Yuval


Israel At War, Northern Border

The Shooting Resumes: 2 Anti-Tank Missiles Fired from Lebanon, no Casualties Reported

Archive. Firefighters try to extinguish a fire caused after a rocket fired from Lebanon hit near the Israeli town of Shlomi, April 6, 2023.

Israel At War

2 Anti-tank Missiles Hit Shlomi, Inflicting Damage to Building

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Hezbollah Continues to Fire

Hezbollah Continues: 2 Anti-Tank Missiles were Fired at the Galilee

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The IDF Attacked

The IDF Attacked a Squad that Tried to Launch Anti-Tank Missiles on the Lebanese Border

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Escalation in the North

Escalation: Hezbollah Fired an Anti-Tank Missile Toward a Tank on the Northern Border

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Fire from Lebanon

An anti-tank missile was fired from Lebanon: the IDF attacked a Hezbollah position
