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Professionals. Illustration.
A Land Of Economic Opportunity

Israel licensing reform benefits professionals making Aliyah - what you need to know

The Immigration and Absorption Ministry is planning to reform licensure in Israel to make it easier for professionals making Aliyah to live and work in Israel - though not all professions are included.

Avi Woolf
FEB 26, 2025
Five things you should know

The Cold, Hard Truth

Aliyah: Five things no-one tells you

opinions 1
New immigrants from France arrive on a special " Aliyah Flight" at the Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on August 1, 2024

Goodbye Bureaucracy! 

Israel’s game-changing reform to ease Aliyah process for Professionals

Empty street of Mamilla mall in Jerusalem

The Impact of War and A Shocking Mass Exodus 

Ghost Towns: Israel’s Streets Are Emptying—And This Could Change the Country Forever

New immigrants from France arrive on a special " Aliyah Flight" at the Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on August 1, 2024

Holocaust Survivors Seek Refuge in Israel During a Time of War

Holocaust Survivors Immigrating to Israel: A Look at the Numbers Since October 7th

Romanian synagogue

Welcome home

A Haredi family made aliyah to Israel from this unexpected place 

New immigrants from France arrive on a special " Aliyah Flight" at the Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on August 1, 2024

Europe looking increasingly like 1938

'Jews No Longer Feel Safe': Israel braces for European mass migration 

Gershon Sheffield, Mortgage expert

Why navigating Israeli home loans requires expert help

Want to buy property in Israel? The mortgage math will surprise you

New immigrants from France arrive on a special " Aliyah Flight" at the Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on August 1, 2024

Planning Your Aliyah: Essential Costs and Tips for a Smooth Move to Israel

The ultimate guide to Aliyah: Costs, challenges, and integration tips 

Hillel Fuld

Get out now!

The Jews and our narratives: Same old story, different generation

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Ethiopians come to the Western Wall to celebrate Hag Hasigd

What is Hag Hasigd?

Ethiopians in Israel are celebrating Hag HaSigd today - Here's what to know

New immigrants from France arrive on a special " Aliyah Flight" at the Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on August 1, 2024.

Go from your land, from your birthplace

I made Aliyah after I was held up at gunpoint in South Africa


A whole new world (but not like Aladdin)

'Normal life' in Israel these days? There's nothing normal about any of it

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Jews making Aliyah

Aliyah, Jewish immigration to Israel, New app

Ministry of Immigration and Absorption Unveils New App for Olim

Jews making Aliyah

Aliyah, 5784

31,000 make aliyah this year despite the war

Illustration: Airport

The Law of Return

Heard about a sharp jump in the number of people leaving Israel? This is the reason

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image of something

Aliyah, IDF Service, USA

The Great Generation: Israel's war fuels young Americans' determination 

Yonah Odendal

Aliyah, South Africa

Spotlight on an 'Oleh Chadash': Architect Yonah Odendal's Aliyah journey inspires us all

Aliyah from North America

Aliyah, North America

Aliyah surge: 600 North Americans arrive in Israel in just one week 

Immigrants to Israel

Aliyah, Work Permits, Absorption Process

Israel fast-tracks work permits for new immigrants 

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