
Road accidents, Tel Aviv, victims
Fatal Accident: 78-Year-Old Pedestrian Killed in Truck Collision

The fatal incident occurred today (Sunday) in the early afternoon on La Guardia Street in Tel Aviv, resulting in the death of a 78-year-old pedestrian after she was struck by the truck causing her critical injuries.

Eliana Fleming | 21.07.24

Light Rail, Jerusalem, public transport

70 Year-old killed by light rail in Jerusalem 

A 70-year-old pedestrian died after being hit by the light rail in Jerusalem, near Moshe Dayan Boulevard, as reported by Magen David Adom on Thursday.

Eliana Fleming | 18.07.24

Horrible Tragedy 

Tragedy in Gush Etzion: Jewish convert shot dead after being mistaken for a terrorist 

After he was mistaken for a terrorist and shot by IDF soldiers, it now turns out that he was a Jewish convert from Hebron with a long history of being turned away by both Arabs and Jews.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 21.03.24

A Car Rollover

Four injured in a car rollover on Route 40

Four injured people were evacuated to the Soroka hospital, including a 60-year-old man in moderate condition who was evacuated by the Hatzla Air helicopter after a vehicle overturned on the side of the road on Route 40

JFeed | 04.10.23

The Death of the Late Lidar Peretz

IDF Spokesperson: These are the findings of the examination regarding the death of the late Lidar

IDF Spokesperson published the initial findings of the investigation into the death of Captain Lidar Peretz, may she rest in peace, in a work accident at the Tze'elim Base. The findings determine that the officer performed her duties without any malfunctions. A team of experts has been appointed to conduct the examination

JFeed | 27.07.23